Sample letters

April 7, 2009

Complaints letter

Filed under: Sample Complaint Letter — sampleletters @ 12:44 pm

A letter written by a consumer to a manufacturer or retailer regarding a problem with a product or service. This type of letter is written usually with the expectation that corrective action will be taken.

How to Write a Complaint Letter

Keep in mind that most errors are unintentional

And realize that most businesses and organizations want to address and clear up complaints quickly in order to have satisfied customers or members.

Be brief

Keep your complaint letter to one page, and write short paragraphs rather than long ones

Be honest and straightforward

Include sufficient detail to back up your claim and to show that you have thoroughly researched the subject. However, omit irrelevant details.

Maintain a firm but respectful tone, and avoid aggressive, accusing language

Keep your complaint letter concise and professional

Send only photocopies of receipts and other documents, and retain all originals

Keep a copy of the complaint letter for your records

Get other signatures

In many cases, you can increase the effectiveness of your letter by getting several others to sign it with you. This is particularly the case when trying to influence or change legislation, denouncing material from the media, and so forth.

Do not threaten!

If a company has repeatedly given you bad service and refuses to correct the situation and you feel that your only recourse is to pursue legal action, voice your feelings in a tactful but firm way. However, don’t threaten legal action unless you are willing to follow through with it.

Avoid making generalizations

About the company or organization if your complaint letter focuses on a single individual.

Use tact, and be direct, but respectful

If you need to make a complaint to or about people that you will still have contact with on a regular basis, your complaint needs to accomplish its purpose without destroying the relationship.

Include your contact information

Include your name, address, phone number, and e-mail address, if desired, so that the person(s) can reach you to discuss any questions or concerns.

If a first letter does not bring action, assume a stronger but still respectful tone in the next one. If two or three letters do not resolve the problem, send one to the president or CEO of the company or entity. In each case, be firm but polite.

Complaint letters can be a very effective way of making your voice heard.

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